Tuesday, March 4, 2008

A Book to Improve Your Business, Success & Life

What Can a Dentist Teach You about Business, Life and Success? Discover Secrets to Total Success!

As a personal favor to a friend of mine, I am posting this blurb about a special book for anyone who might be interested in obtaining it for their own.

"This is one of the best books around on success and spirituality that you can add to your personal library. What myself and lots of other people are doing is spreading the word about this book so that as many people as possible will buy it over the next 24 hours. This helps to bring the book to national attention. When a lot of book sales take place within a 24-hour period the book moves quickly up the charts of online bookstores.


The reason I want this book to reach the top of the charts is because of what people will learn from it. This is not some pie-in-the-sky success book. It is one of the best books you will ever get your hands on that will teach you success principles that can give you a life of abundance, health, happiness and great relationships.

What Can a Dentist Teach You about Business, Life and Success? Discover Secrets to Total Success! contains the very principles that have allowed Dr. Joe Capista to become a multi-millionaire and live a life of Total Success! He is in the top 3% of revenue generators in his industry in the United States, has been happily married for over 34 years, is in top physical shape and enjoys a life of massive contribution.

This is a very powerful and realistic book that can give you wonderful insights to make you more succesful and happy in your life and business. I am tired of the type of a business books where the author talks down to the reader, Dr Capista talks to the reader.

As an added incentive for buying the book today you will receive over $2,551 in bonus gifts from experts around the globe including a one hour "by invitation only" teleseminar with the author.

So if you are ready to add a wonderful book on success and spirituality to your personal library, have access to dozens of great bonus gifts and have the opportunity to hear success speaker and author, Dr. Joe Capista, order your copy right away.


To your success."


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