Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Adams Point in Print

Hi, Everyone!

At last, the print edition of the third book in the Legacy Series, Adams Point, has been released and is up on Amazon.com. The publisher is Write Words, Inc., imprint Cambridge Books. The following is a brief look into the novel:

The strange spirits who, without rhyme or reason, or so much as a 'by your leave', had suddenly inhabited The House On The Bluff and caused a multitude of problems.

It was not only that people were disappearing, which heightened their trepidation, but the menacing, almost threatening manifestations it showered on the human residents, while relegating the "harmless" spiritual entities into their own inescapable prison. A prison, which was so deep within the recesses of the house, they apparently couldn't or didn't dare attempt to escape or leave.

The new entities had taken control of the Inn On Adams Point and were bound and determined to bring everyone into its clutches. But Jacob, one of the resident spirits, did try to break the hold that bound him and his compatriots only to fail in his attempt to warn Ethan, Abigail and or Tony.


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