Friday, January 18, 2008

Phil Harris' Blog Radio Show

Hi, Everyone:

Just wanted to let you know that along with four others and two gentlemen who joined us later, I was a guest on the Phil Harris' BlogTalkRadio Show, promoting my books, The Sarah's Landing Series, The Legacy Series and others I have written. It was the first time for me and it was really fun. Although I was a little nervous, at first, I soon relaxed and enjoyed the entire show. It was fascinating hearing the voices of people I have never met, other than through the internet, and realized how wonderful it was to be able to listen to them. And it felt as if I had known them my entire life. What a great gift to be able to communicate with people all over the country and still feel as if they are your next door neighbors. Thanks, Phil! I really appreciated the opportunity that you and my publisher provided for me. :)


1 comment:

Unknown said...

Sorry I missed it, but I'll be interested in any information you share regards increased sales from your promotional experience.

I enjoy your blog and will subscribe when you get your email option up.
