Thursday, November 7, 2013

Conracts signed for Two New Novels

                  Two more contracts received and signed.  One for The Storybook, a collection of short and long stories, and one for Moonlit Bay a paranormal fiction novel. Both books presently in the hands of my publisher Write Words Inc., Cambridge, Maryland.  Publication dates to be announced.

Blurb for The Storybook:

The Storybook is not a book just for children it is a book for all ages who may wish to step into a world of imagination, fantasy, and what if — if only for an hour or two, and leave the rest of the world behind.
Who from the very young to the very old and every age in between, hasn’t been fascinated or enchanted by stories they have read from books that were taken off the shelf, or had been given to them as gifts? Books that have awakened their imagination and curiosity as the pages quickly turn embracing them more and more deeply into the story itself?
Who hasn’t marveled at the sight of a child nestled in his or her grandparents arms as the reader takes that child into the kingdom of tigers, and dragons and bears, oh my! Watching as their grandchild’s eyes light up, drifting off into the domain of far away places, to distant parts of an exotic world, to the bottom of the sea, to the far reaches of space and even to the Dawn of History?  They too smile, as they witness smiles of delight spread across their grandchild’s face, who is listening intently as every word spoken brings them closer and closer into wonderful new worlds within the realm of books.
Young or old and everyone in between, The Storybook has the smiles that await to unfold for you.

Blurb for Moonlit Bay:

                What is in an abandoned building on an uninhabited Island across Moonlit Bay that has been surreptitiously invaded by armed, unidentified entities who are helmeted, dressed in black survival suits and armed with laser guns?  What of the object that seems to cry out in excruciating pain giving off a blinding light when these intruders bombard its shell by laser beams? 
               Why did they pick this peaceful small coastal town of Moonlit Bay for their clandestine operations? Who are these people? Where did they and the object in question come from? And who or what is inside the object that is so important to the invaders? 
               These are questions that Elliot, Ryan, Penny and Stacie are determined to discover if it’s the last thing they do.

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