Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Billie Williams Book Tour

Hello Billie Williams, welcome to my blog. It is nice of you to stop by on your Blog Tour.

Give Billie Williams a great big Hello everyone. I have to tell you, I never met Billie in person, only through the internet but I must say watching as I have as Billie produces one book after another is amazing to me. One never knows what will be pouring out of her imaginative and fertile mind next.

Best Selling and Award winning Mystery/Suspense author Billie A Williams is a fiction, non-fiction and poetry author and has won numerous contests for her short/flash fiction stories, essays, and poetry with over two dozen works published. She is published in various magazines such as the literary magazine Thema; Guide, a Magazine for Children, Novel Advice.com, Writing Etc. WritingNow.com, and Women In The Arts newsletter as well as Sister’s in Crime, to list but a few.

Her articles, columns and features have appeared regularly in newspapers. Short stories, Flash fiction, poetry and book reviews have appeared in Mystery Time, True Love Magazine and various anthologies and on line e-zines and web sites. She writes a bi-monthly column titled “Whodunit?” for Mystery Fiction’s Voices in the Dark and is a contributing editor for Writingnow.com a Blueberry Press Newsletter. She also hosts her own writer’s group, Word Mage Writers and Readers as well as The Amberg Writers Group that meets at her home monthly. She is an active blogger; http://printedwords.blogspot.com and http://onewomansgarden.blogspot.com A website for writers is at http://writingwide.com where you can find plenty of tips, tricks and good reads, as well as a current novel in progress serialized in her newsletter, “Printed Words.”

Williams is currently a member of The Wisconsin Regional Writers Association (WRWA) Upper Peninsula Writers Association (UPWA)National Association of Women Writers (NAWW) Sister’s in Crime, Women in the Arts Program, Electronically Published Internet Connection (EPIC), Society of Children’s Book Writers and Illustrators. (SCBWI) and Children’s Book Insider, and the Children Writers Coaching Club. Her website www.billiewilliams.com
She lives with her husband and Lady Slipper the Maine Coon Cat she received the day she got her contract for The Pink Lady Slipper bed and breakfast murder mystery from Wings ePress so of course the kitten got the name. Amberg, is home, a small Northern Wisconsin community where the winters are cold and long, but the people are warm and friendly.

Here is a preview of one of Billie's Money Isn't Everything.

Money Isn’t Everything – It isn’t love, it isn’t security, and it doesn’t buy loyalty. It can be a tool, -- OR-- a murder weapon.

Mary March is a CNA in a nursing home (Idle A While) when she discovers patient abuse, she investigates and that leads to Jayde Blarney being fired. Jayde goes to work as a fitness trainer in a local health club, (Rainbow’s End). Now, she is out for revenge against Mary for two things. Getting her fired and for encroaching on her, as she perceives it, Doctor Tanner Irish who she is head over heels in love with. Tanner can’t see Jayde for dust as he is infatuated with Mary.

Tanner Irish is almost the proverbial cliché in Mary’s mind. She thinks Tanner is a spoiled little rich boy used to having everything his way, handed to him on a silver platter. He is filthy rich. He thinks money talks, she insists Money Isn’t Everything and she won’t be one of his conquests.

Mary uncovers a connection to the missing funds that lead to Edith Erhoes (Director of Nursing) and Fern Fish (Head of the Accounting Department). Edith’s attitude is the rich can afford it. And they have always gotten the wheat while she has always gotten the chaff, she wants the heart of the wheat and is angry that the young whipper-snapper with money, Dr. Tanner Irish, gets more money catering to old ladies and old men who’ll be dead soon anyway. Life is unjust—and fate is fickle, she is out to change the odds.

Mary will try to find where the abuse stems from and who is taking the money from the coffers as well as how.

Within minutes security had the box of dead rats, Dolly and Ebony had their walking papers; Edith thought the abuse was now all cleared up. Mary wondered what Jayde might do next. Until they were all locked up there would be no peace for anyone at Idle A While Nursing Home.

Thanks again for visiting my site Billie. Wishing you much success in all that you do.

The next stop in Billie’s Blog Tour is Lizzie T-Leaf. Lizzie says: I've loved books since I opened the first one. My dream was to write them myself. Of course life has a way of throwing us a curve ball, and the writing became a distant memory, lost in the hectic day to day world of family, job, laundry and housework. When the twinkling ember did spark, it was usually doused by someone demanding their share of my time, and me allowing it to happen.

But life does seem to go full circle. The desire to put the stories that continued to play in my head on paper emerged stronger than ever, and at a time in my life when there was someone encouraging me to do it. Now I'm living my dream; creating stories to share with others. I hope you enjoy them.

My other hobbies, gardening and baking, are now taking a back seat, and as for housework...what's that?

Lizzie's Website: http://www.lizzietleaf.com/
Lizzie's Blog: http://lizzieleaf.blogspot.com

Monday, July 5, 2010

Coming July 14th - Billie Williams Blog Tour-Money Isn't Everything

Coming in July...Billie Williams Blog Tour, Money Isn't Everything..The tour will stop at my blog on the 14th.

Here's the Calendar for the tour dates and stops:
CALENDAR --- JULY 2010 --- Billie A Williams Blog Tour

Fran Orenstein Tour Date: July 5

J Gayle Kelly Tour Date: July 6

Lizzie Starr Tour Date: July 8

Janice Kaat Tour Date: July 10

Elaine Cantrell Tour Date: July 12

Annette Snyder Tour Date: July 13

Elena Dorothy Bowman Tour Date: July 14

Lizzie T Leaf Tour Date: July 15

Work Tour Date: July 16

Work Tour Date: July 17

Work Tour Date: July 18

SK Hamilton Tour Date: July 19

Rhobin Courtright Tour Date: July 20

Ron Berry Tour Date: July 21

Pat McCain/Cerise Tour Date: July 22

Joyce Anthony Tour Date: July 26 - 29

Working Stiffs Blog Tour Date: July 30

Rene Cryer Tour Date: July 31

Billie A Williams